Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Layers of the Atmosphere


  • *       Why are the four major layers of the atmosphere separated where they are?
  • *       What increases the temperature in the stratosphere?
  • *       Can planes fly in the mesosphere? Why or why not?
  • *       On what does the temperature in the thermosphere depend?
  • *       They are in hundrends of kilometers from the planet’s surface,to the outer space.
  • *      The high concentration of ozone in stratosphere.Ozone absorbs the ultraviolet radiation from the sun converts thi energy into heat,cousing air temperature to increases.
  • *      No,because there is no ozone layer in the mesosphere,solar radiation passé through in the layer witout affecting the weather.
  • *      The oxygen asorbs the ultraviolet radiation from the sun and gains significant kinetic energy.                                          


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