Friday, August 10, 2012

The Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle

 1. The atmosphere is 80% nitrogen: why do you think plants and animals can't use 
      nitrogen as it is found in the atmosphere?
2.  Explain what is meant by nitrogen fixation.
3. What is the role of bacteria in the nitrogen cycle?
4.Why don't legumes need nitrogen-containing fertilizers?
5.Why is nitrogen so important for living things?
6. What are the processes involved in the nitrogen cycle?


1. The plants and animals can't use nitrogen because most nitrogen exists as a gas.
2.Fixation occurs when bacteria convert nitrogen gas (N2) into organic compound that living            organism take up.
3.Their remains are full of nitrogen and they convert ammonia from animal excretions and dead organisms matter.
4. Because these nitrogen-fixing bacteria supply nitrogen to the plant  in a form that it can use.
5. Because most living organism cannot absorb nitrogen in it's gaseous place  and rely on a process called fixation to obtain nitrogen.
6. Nitrogen Fixation

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Layers of the Atmosphere


  • *       Why are the four major layers of the atmosphere separated where they are?
  • *       What increases the temperature in the stratosphere?
  • *       Can planes fly in the mesosphere? Why or why not?
  • *       On what does the temperature in the thermosphere depend?
  • *       They are in hundrends of kilometers from the planet’s surface,to the outer space.
  • *      The high concentration of ozone in stratosphere.Ozone absorbs the ultraviolet radiation from the sun converts thi energy into heat,cousing air temperature to increases.
  • *      No,because there is no ozone layer in the mesosphere,solar radiation passé through in the layer witout affecting the weather.
  • *      The oxygen asorbs the ultraviolet radiation from the sun and gains significant kinetic energy.                                          


Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Lorax

 1. What did the Once-ler do to upset the balance in this ecosystem?
answer;The Once-ler cut down the treeses for his bussiness.
2. What effect did his business have on the living things in the ecosystem?
answer;The living things in the ecosystem left thier natural habitat.
3. What effect did his business have on the water and air in the ecosystem? How did this affect
the living things?
answer;The waer and air in the ecosystem become polluted.
4. What is the moral of the story?
answer;The receptance is always in the end.   

The Energy flow.

Energy Flow

 1.Where do plants get thier energy to grow. 
answer;The plants get thier energy from the sun.
2.What do plants use the sun's energy to manufacture?
answer;They use it to manufacture sugar from water and carbon dioxide.
3.What do plants use most of their energy for?
answer;they absorb it and warms them.
4.How much of the energy that the plant captures through photosynthesis ends up stored as starch in the kernel?
5.For what does the cow use the energy from the corn?
answer; They use it to pruduce and power it’s muscle cells.     
6.How much of the energy stored in the corn gets passed on to you in burgers?
7.For what do you use the energy in the burgers?
answer;To help the wold feed itself.
8.How would eating more plants help us better feed the many people in the world?
answer;Because we lose 90% of the captured solar energy by passing it through animals.
9.What else besides energy do we get from plants and animals? When we eat them? 
answer;we can get minerals from the plants and animals.